We Perceive Announces Perkins Panda Toy Drive
We're sending Perkins Panda Braille Literacy Kits to blind children in every state of the USA!
Last year we sent over $500 worth of accessible toys and braille/print books to kids at the Blind Childrens Center and Arkansas Early Intervention Program! This year we're collecting funds for more accessible toys and braille/print books for kids in need across the country who are visually impaired. There are rural and urban areas in every state in need of our help to provide the opportunities for learning, play and socializing among children who are blind at home and school. These toys and books will help increase the literacy rates, education and progress of children whom otherwise do not get the chance to play with educational toys and braille books on a regular basis.
We want to make it possible for every child who is blind or visually impaired to learn and reach their full potential in as many states as possible! Will you help us?
Look around where you sit now, and where your child plays... Do you notice all the letters, words, numbers and shapes printed everywhere that you see automatically and incidentally? Blind children do not get this opportunity for early learning unless it is directly provided through braille and other tactile materials. Also, many children who are visually impaired must be taught socialization and play skills unlike many of their sighted peers. You may not think about it, as we so often take vision for granted, but not everyone has this access. For these kids who are blind like many of the We Perceive organization's children, access means having these books and toys everywhere in their environment- home, school, therapy and in the community. Help fund a toy or braille book to place in the hands of these kids in need! Every donation has a HUGE IMPACT on the lives of these kids and their families, and their futures. Please help us put a braille book and accessible toy in the home, school, and therapy center of as many blind children as possible.
Our total goal of $3000 to reach as many kids as possible is relatively small compared to the large number of kids who have been diagnosed with a visual impairment (over 55,000 in the US), but with your help we can continue to grow and help more kids in more places. 100% of the funds We Perceive takes in goes into the hands of kids who are blind in the USA. Will you help us make their dreams come true this holiday season?
Here's where we're already sending a Perkins Panda Kit as of 12/16/2015:
Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Nebraska, Arizona
We need your help to finish raising funds to send kits to these states:
Arkansas, Georgia
Is your state on the map? If not, donate $5 to start promoting braille literacy in your home state and we'll connect others in your state to do the same!
Be sure to share our campaign for #EarlyBrailleLiteracy with your friends via email and social media!